Luiz D’Orey nasceu em 1993 no Rio de Janeiro e mudou-se para Nova York em 2012. Graduou-se bacharel em Belas Artes pela School of Visual Arts em 2016. Durante os quatro anos como aluno na SVA, d’Orey recebeu os prêmios 727 Award (2016), Sillas H Rhodes Award (2016) e Gilbert Stone Scholarship (2015), e em 2016 foi selecionado para representar a instituição na Pulse Art Fair em Miami. D’Orey trabalhou como assistente dos dois artistas Carlos Vergara e Raul Mourão.

Seus trabalhos participaram de mostras coletivas nos EUA, Europa e Brasil. Realizou sua primeira exposição individual Quase Plano (2017) na Galeria Mercedes Viegas no Rio de Janeiro, e foi sucedida pelas individuais Espaço Comum (2018) na Galeria Dotart em Belo Horizonte, Brasil; Recent Ruins (2018) na Gitler & Gallery em Nova York; Rumor (2019) na Elga Wimmer Gallery em Nova York; e Eu não falei? (2019) na Galeria Mercedes Viegas no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Seu curta metragem Tapume, co produzido com Hugo Faraco, foi nomeado para os festivais DOC NYC (EUA, 2018); Melbourne Documentary Film Festival (Australia, 2019), Lviv International Film Festival (Ucrânia, 2019), World of Film International Festival (Escócia, 2019). Em 2019 d’Orey foi indicado ao Premio Pipa. Atualmente o artista é representado pela Galeria Luciana Caravello em São Paulo e seu trabalho é parte da coleção do Instituto PIPA. Reside e trabalha no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

Luiz d’Orey was born in 1993 in Rio de Janeiro and moved to New York in 2012. He received his BFA degree from the School of Visual Arts in 2016. During the four years attending SVA he was granted the 727 Award (2016), the Sillas H Rhodes Award (2016), the Gilbert Stone Scholarship (2015), and in 2016 was also chosen to represent the institution at Pulse Art Fair in Miami. The artist has worked as an assistant for the two prominent Brazilian artists Carlos Vergara and Raul Mourão.

D’Orey’s paintings have been shown in group shows and fairs in the US, Europe and Brazil. His first solo show Quase Plano (2017), took place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, at Mercedes Viegas Gallery, and was followed by the solos Espaço Comum (2018) at Dotart Gallery in Belo Horizonte, Brazil; Recent Ruins (2018) at Gitler & Gallery in New York City; Rumor (2019) at Elga Wimmer Gallery in New York City; and Eu não falei? (2019) at Mercedes Viegas Gallery in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil . In 2018 his short film Tapume (2018), co-produced with Hugo Faraco, was nominated to the festivals DOC NYC (USA, 2018); Melbourne Documentary Film Festival (Australia, 2019), Lviv International Film Festival (Ukraine, 2019), World of Film International Festival (Scotland, 2019). In 2019 d’Orey was nominated to the PIPA prize in Brazil. He is currently represented by Luciana Caravello Gallery in São Paulo and his work is part of the Pipa Institute collection. D’Orey lives and works in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.